Hopefully shall be able to attend this event, currently on the waiting list.
2 startups will pitch their UX problems for feedback from a panel of experts. Then a series of 5 minute x 5 slides lightning talks will follow (and of course, free UX Café beer mats for all who come along!)
We've secured a strong panel of experts for this month's session:
Ulrik Hogrebe - Senior UX designer at the BBC
Barry O'Reilly - UX focused PM for Thoughworks
Our startup pitching their issues on the night will be:
ansr.io (Siim Teller) a mobile survey tool
The talks will all follow the theme of "UX Tools & Techniques" with four speakers confirmed so far.
Jenny Grinblo, UX Practitioner at Future Workshops, will be sharing tips on mind mapping
Ben Stewart, UX Designer at Yousability, will be speaking about cross platform designing
David Mack, Freelance UX Designer will be speaking about how to generate new design through borrowing and iterating
Mike Atherton, Former BBC & Head of UX for Huddle will be giving a brilliant talk on Brand Driven Design
More info on the schedule to come and a big thanks to Campaign Monitor & The Happy Startup School for sponsoring the event!